Frequently Asked Questions

What makes your streetwear 'Christian'?

Our designs are inspired by Christian values and scriptures...

Are your materials ethically sourced?

Absolutely. We believe in stewardship and responsibility...

How long does shipping take?

Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days, and shipping takes 3-5 business days

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we do! International shipping times and costs vary...

Can I purchase gift cards for your store?

Yes, we offer gift cards in various denominations...

What is your return policy?

All sales are final

Can I exchange an item for a different size?

Yes, you can. If you need a different size, please contact our customer service...

How does your brand practice its Christian values?

We're committed to acts of kindness and charity. A portion of our proceeds goes to various Christian charities...

Do you offer products for all age groups?

Currently, our focus is on adult streetwear, but we are exploring expanding our range to include items for all ages...

How can I contact customer support?

Our customer support team can be reached via email at, or through our website's contact form...

Do you offer discounts for church groups or events?

Yes, we offer special discounts for church groups and religious events. Please contact us for more details...

What sizes do you offer?

We offer a range of sizes from S to 2X to ensure inclusivity and comfort for all our customers...

How should I care for my clothing items to ensure they last long?

We recommend washing your garments inside out in cold water and tumble drying on low...

How does your brand contribute to environmental sustainability?

We are committed to sustainability. Our products are made in Los Angeles...

Are your products vegan and cruelty-free?

We ensure that no animal products are used...

Do you collaborate with local churches or Christian artists?

We actively collaborate with local churches and Christian artists to create unique designs...

Can I feature your products in my church’s or community’s event?

Absolutely! We'd love to be a part of your event. Please contact us for partnership or sponsorship inquiries...

How secure is shopping on your website?

Our website uses SSL encryption to ensure your data is securely processed, and we adhere to the highest industry standards for online transactions...

Can I track my order?

Yes, once your order is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number so you can monitor its delivery status...

Do you offer special promotions or discounts?

We have seasonal promotions and discounts. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on special offers...

Can I purchase gift cards for your store?

Yes, we offer gift cards in various denominations. They are a great way to give the gift of choice to your loved ones...